Community Council Blog

Changes to Licensed Hours Policy
Posted on : 5th December 2011

If you wish to comment on this matter, please either do so direct to D&GC, or contact the Community Council and we will collate and forward the responses.

As you will be aware, Nithsdale Divisional Licensing Board amended its Licensed Hours Policy by reducing the terminal hour by one hour respectively from 2am to 1am for general policy and from 3am to 2am for premises where the sale of alcohol is considered ancillary to entertainment.

This change came into effect on 1 May 2011 and the Board is seeking to assess the impact which the change has had, especially the impact on the 5 Licensing Objectives which are at the centre of the Licensing System:-


(a) Preventing crime and disorder

(b) Securing public safety

(c) Preventing public nuisance

(d) Protecting and improving public health

(e) Protecting children from harm


The Board would welcome views from organisations and individuals and a questionnaire is attached to this e-mail in this respect.

Responses on or before 9 January 2012 would be most welcome.

MapWhere we are

Thornhill is at the heart of Dumfries & Galloway in south west Scotland in the beautiful rolling countryside of Nithsdale, steeped in history both natural & physical.

1.5 Hours from Edinburgh by Car.
1.5 Hours from Glasgow by Car.
2 Hours from Newcastle by Car.